Thursday, 10 April 2014

The 3 "B"s

I am busy enjoying some of my favourite loves. The first one being the Bach Choir. This Saturday we have our concert at St James The Greater, in Leicester. On Wednesday night we had a full rehearsal because at this concert it is with brass, timpani and organ. The brass do not want to be practising all Saturday afternoon and then having to play in the evening. It was absolutely fantastic to sing with these excellent players.

Apologies for poor quality pictures but I was supposed to be singing!

Click here for a link to the concert. It's not too late to come, there will be tickets available on the door to buy.

Second love of my love - baking. Am busy getting into the swing of baking cakes for the vicarage party. Trying to get as much done before the day.

Third love is buntings/sewing/creativity. Think it would be great to have buntings adorning the hall etc. So last night I started cutting the triangles out. But if you could have seen the state of me! I was tired out from the day before and then working all day yesterday, swimming a mile - did look a sight! But you know me I'm like a woman on a mission and I don't stop or give up until I drop!

Have more cutting to do but I'm having fun just hunting around my fabric stash and using left over bits and pieces. Well better get ready for work now. Have a good weekend.

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