Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Chilling - Day Four Northumberland.

Last night I had a frozen pizza ( cooked of course), garlic bread and salad, accompanied with a glass of red wine - delicious combo. But what I must show you is the pizza.

This was the half I did not eat - but look how much topping there is! This was bought from Aldi for either £1 or £1.50. It was the best cheap pizza I have had in years.

I think I am becoming a convert to Aldi. I have always treated myself to porridge in the individual sachets - so easy when you are busy going off to work. Now I think I am correct in saying that the normal supermarkets sell a box of eight flavoured porridges for £2.40 whereas Aldi sell it for 99p!

It has taken me many years to really seriously think about shopping there regularly but I am becoming more and more convinced.

Back to chilling.

So lovely to relax in front of a roaring fire and watching good old Mary Berry. She is truly amazing cook and her new TV series is excellent.

This morning it was the turn of the boiler to be serviced - but just didn't get so excited about a boiler man as I did a chimney sweep! Any way it was good to be here whilst it was being serviced as I could ask more information about it and its peculiarities! Now I don't want to bore you about my feet but they are still not up to walking masses. So I decided to head off to Seahouses.   
Here people often get on boats and go across to Farne Islands. No boats  going out today though.

I just love boats - aren't they so cute. But sadly the weather was not feeling so cute:( About 8 degrees today and drizzling! Typical English weather, but I am not complaining as it has been so beautiful over the last few days. Today it felt very cold.

Northumberland is famous for its eider ducks. This is the only colony in the UK and there 1,000 pairs  nesting every year. They are also known as "Cuddy" being the familiar form of "Cuthbert". You can read up more about this here.

Always find it strange that in the bird world the men are the prettier of the species!

Trying to be arty farty!

Today it is rather hazy and that grey blur in the background is Bamburgh Castle.

On warmer days these seats will be filled with tourists eating the delicious local fish and chips. Sadly today just one person braving the weather.

Tempted as I was by the smell of fish and chips I decided that I had enough food for dinner, at the cottage. As I was getting so cold and unable to walk too far decided to return back home and have some lunch there.

But seems as I didn't buy myself fish and chips I got some daffodils instead!

Not sure if they are strictly daffodils with the orange centres.

Time to do some more chilling and carry on with my crochet project. It is a scarf that is going to take me a life time to complete. Each large square takes me a night to do and I'm still trying to get it right!

The wool is very fine, almost like an embroidery silk. It feels lovely - hopefully I'll have it made by the end of the year!

As I am busy hooking I am listening to this story - mmmm it's alright better than nothing. When I get tired of concentrating I swop to knitting a small shawl.

Time to finish blogging as I can smell my yummy roast veggies, potatoes and chicken. Nom nom.

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