Sunday, 2 June 2013

Creative and Satisfying Weekend.

After doing some jobs at home I headed back to Stamford.

Thought I'd have a mooch in the posh charity shops but I didn't see anything in my size that I liked:(  That wasn't the only disappointment this shop was.

How can you call yourself "The Woolroom" and not sell one ball of wool? Decided to head back to the car and go for a mooch in Uppingham. On my way back I saw this vehicle - made me laugh as they couldn't park it without having to push it into postion. What a hassle!

Anyway more joy at Uppingham - managed to get two shh cookery books and a quilting mania magazine for a few pounds. Then off to the garden centre where I think I found the rest of Leicester! There I got a strip of runners beans, some French beans, carrots and onions. Whether they grow remains to be seen (there's always a danger the chickens will escape and eat them). But last year I did well with the runner beans.

So with the end of the afternoons sunshine I planted them out.

Today Mr P headed off early to Northumberland and I headed off to The Fabric Guild. Here's a picture of my naughtiness. I find it so much easier to buy fabric and books rather than clothes!

I just fell in love with the owls, some of this fabric has just got off the boat from China. So back home to start playing. First creation was this apron. The blue and white gingham was a kings size duvet cover set that I got for £2 from Belfast and squeezed into my small rucksack to bring back onto the plane.

I kept the buttons from the duvet to add as extra decor. Only trouble is that the material isn't that thick.

Then it was time to play with the owl fabric and make a bag. Mrs A churns out masses of these bags. Think everyone at church has one!

Ironically as I was sewing the three rows together I realised that I had put one row in the wrong place! But I am happy with the outcome. In fact prefer the layout!

This is the other side of the bag.

Then time for the next creation. We have one of those stools from Ikea but the fabric, over the years, has got horribly dirty. It has been in the wash a few times but still comes out looking like this.

Some time ago I bought some material going very cheap from the fabric guild with this project in  mind. So finally I got around to recovering it.

It looks sooo much better now. Won't be ashamed when visitors come now.

It's not identical fabric but I think it goes reasonably well.

Then a final creation - a second apron. This time I decided to double up on the fabric to give it some weight. Prefer my heart on first apron but happier with the quality of the of the second one.

The study looked like a bomb had hit it. The carpet covered in bits of cloth and threads, fabric strewn everywhere, ironing board up, extension lead across the floor, sewing machine out etc etc. A good clean and tidy and then time to cook a yummy dinner for me - Mr P would hate it. Full of garlic, anchovies, capers and olives - yum, yum. Oh and plus a glass of red wine.

Wish you all a good week ahead.

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