Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Sitting With Royalty

Mr P is having a very varied week. He's running around like a headless chicken. He has masses of work to do. Sadly three people have died in the last few days and he has been asked to do their funerals, which is a real privilege. His birthday is this Thursday, so he's swapping his day off for then. But yesterday was a superb treat for him. He was invited to sit with royalty! Yes! Yesterday the world was rather interested in Leicester with the announcement at Leicester University as to whether some bones hidden under a car park where those of Richard the third. Mr P and another clergyman were asked to sit with the coffin whilst the press conference was happening. So for two glorious hours he was able to absorb history in a unique experience. Sadly no photographs were allowed but I've got two of the literature he received.


Apparently there are numerous historic clubs just interested in this king and lots of disputes as to the history of him.


There's a great photograph on facebook but I daren't publish it here. But I'll explain the picture:-

It is a road sign saying "This is a pay and display car park. Please pay at the ticket machine. No burying of dead monarchs"!

Well Mr P's birthday has given me another excuse to accomplish another recipe from another book. Mr P adores fruit cakes and now that all the Christmas cake has gone this seemed an appropriate thing to make for the big day.

I have used this recipe many times and it always seems to come out well.

Well if I ever got sent to a desert island and was only allowed 10 cookery books then this would be one of them. I have used this book so much. Her recipes are so easy to follow and usually successful.  The pages are covered with splatterings(think I've just invented a new word!) of cake mixture and grubby fingers trying to turn the page whilst preparing a cake. If you do not possess a cake book then I can recommend this one.

Oops put a hole in the middle -  couldn't find my usual skewer to test it was baked.

127 cookery books     10 recipes completed        117 books to go.

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