Tuesday, 11 November 2014


Oh boy what an amazing five days. All three grandchildren have been to stay - with their mummies and daddies. But before they came I had to prepare the home.

The tea trolley had to be put into the downstairs bathroom as little fingers think it great fun to try banging the mugs together!

We decided now that the twins are crawling and Rowan is walking we needed to invest in a stair gate so that had to be put up.

 Travel cot erected in the craft / study room for Rowan.

Managed to borrow two more cots from the neighbours. So Mr P was busy deciphering how these were made as they didn't come with instructions - but he did an excellent job.

Beds for the mummies and daddies had to be made.

Oh and I managed to buy three new toys for the munchkins to play with.

Rowan loves balls and I couldn't resist this toy for £2.

Below I bought two bags of balls for £4 and a slide for £5. Bargains from a baby charity shop.

They were all a success. Then the moment arrived when they came and suddenly the house was transformed into a nursery. Nappy bags, clothes, buggies, high chairs, bottles, feeding cups etc etc. It never ceases to amaze me how three small beings can take up soooo much space!

 The girls remind me of octopuses - they appear to have legs that go everywhere!

Saturday - weather wise it was miserable and wet. So we headed out to a local vintage fayre. We didn't get very far before they all stopped for coffee and cake! Trouble is we took up nearly all the chairs!

I spotted this dress - I actually wore this dress some years ago! Fashion really does come around again!.

Loved the fabric on this dress.

Now I thought I would have lots of pictures to show you of all the babies but I think it was just sooo busy that I did not have time to take any! The twins were ill and consequently demanded a lot of attention - also they did not sleep much during the night. Also their mummy was not very well too. And so the 5 days went by in  a blur. I know for sure now why God created women to have babies whilst they are young! When I went to work yesterday I really felt my age and had one client ask me what the matter was as she never seen me look so tired! I didn't think I looked that bad. Oh well. It was lovely having special moments with all three of them, seeing them interact with each other was great - roll on Christmas.

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