Wednesday, 25 May 2016

The Collar and the Cab

Yesterday was a rather special one. My hubby and I went to the publishers to collect some books. At long last, after years in the writing his book has at long last been published. Whoop whoop.

 First glance of the book was seeing it on a trolley. Soooooooooooooooo exciting.

Then Mr P actually gets to hold one of his books. All these years of seeing him busily working on this book and then this year seeing him reading it over and over again, checking for mistakes. Now here it is for real.

Mr P spent ages pouring over all the details of various publishing companies. Eventually he chose Troubador and then when he went to visit them discovered they were just up the road from us in Kibworth. They have been excellent and have really helped him with everything in order to get this book published.

Mr P has helped to write a book before, but this time it is a very different subject matter and onlyhe is the author. But this book is a great manual if you are struggling with depression and is available on amazon.

Another lovely coincidence re the book is that it came out on the day of my younger daughter's birthday and TJ is the initials of my youngest son. Should also say it is thanks to my youngest daughter for designing the book and drawing the book cover.

Well one happy hubby and I'm one very very proud wife. Believe it or not I have not read the book. I decided I wanted to read it as a hard copy. Tomorrow night we are heading off to France for a long camping weekend and the book is coming with me. Happy bank holiday weekend.

Oh PS if you would like to read the book then you can leave a message and I will get back to you with details of how I can send you the book and how to pay. Or maybe you'd like to read some excerpts and decide whether to buy the book go to my hubby's blog here.

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