Tuesday, 24 November 2015

November Blues

I have to say that I have found the last few weeks difficult. The short, dark, wet dreary days have not helped. I suspect I am not alone in my struggles if you live in the UK. But then I feel very guilty when I hear of the atrocities going on in the world - what have I to complain about? Then I have friends who are undergoing treatment to save their lives - here I am with not even a cold! What have I to complain about. So decided that it was time to pull myself out of my dark mood and start making plans. This started off with me making a decision that it was time Mr P and myself went out and experienced the joys of living in a city and eat out at a Turkish restaurant. Now these are not my pictures but I find it hard to think they would complain of me using them to advertise their restaurant.We went to Istanbul! Amazing where you can get to in one evening!

I was not sure what it would be like but having read many reviews on Trip Advisor - decided to be brave and go for it. Well we were not disappointed. We were looked after well, service was very efficient. The place was very busy with many families spanning what seemed like the world ate here. Whilst we waited for our meal a plate of delicious warm Turkish bread was put on our table accompanied with olives, a chilli dip and a yoghurt dip. Yum yum.

Saturday dad came for the day. We had been waiting for the Lady In The Van to come out in film. We had seen it advertised earlier in the year and had promised ourselves to go and see it once it was out.

It's a great film. Alan Bennett, the author, is one of my favourite writers. To my shame I often fall asleep at night time with this being played on my IPod. Lovely story. Now I have to say I was guilty of misjudging some people. As the adverts were being shown a young family came and sat in front of us. I thought oh know I bet the children are going to get fed up in this film and make a lot of noise. Well I was totally wrong and any noises came from older adults as they fiddled with their sweets and made comments about the film! Afterwards I went to the parents and praised them for their wonderful well behaved children.

This coming Saturday I am really excited about as the choir I sing in have our Christmas Concert. We shall be singing Bach's B Minor Mass. It will be such a great opportunity to sing this piece of music with a great choir, orchestra and professional soloists.

Well that's enough rambling on for this week. Keep warm and speak to you all next week.

Monday, 16 November 2015

So Sorry

What am I sorry about - well sorry for going several weeks without blogging, sorry about all the horrific troubles in  Syria, Iraq, France, Afghanistan, Yemen, Beirut, many African countries and many other Asian countries - sorry for not praying enough for them.

What have I been doing - well it has been full with friends, family and work. Trouble with this is that there are not many pictures to show you as you well know I do not like to parade them all across my blog. What can I show you ........

Trip to Tattershall Castle. Have to be honest and say as I kept looking at it I was reminded of Leicester prison rather than a castle. But it was rather interesting.

Views from the top.

There was also a Christmas fayre. Talking of Christmas have now received our first Christmas card! I have made two Christmas cakes, two Christmas puddings and beginning to make some gifts for the grandchildren. Oh dear I cannot cope with all this Christmas malacky! It seems to get earlier every year and I never seem to be organised enough to be able to chill about it. Sends me into a panic! I think my hubby has even bought me my present! I haven't a clue what to buy him. He has suggested some things for the motor bike, but he would need to order them as I would be bound to get the wrong parts! Oh dear really do need to get my head around it all and be more prepared.

Oh well back to reality - managed last week to make another dress - apologies for the poor quality picture, but not good doing them when it gets dark.

O know from the picture it makes it look as if the pockets stick out, but once the dress is on the pockets lie nice and flat against me. It's such a comfy dress to wear.

Golly I'm jumping around here but after the trip to the castle we went out in the evening to Market Harborough to the  local theatre. There we saw September in the Rain by  John Godber. It is a lovely  comedy which follows the lives of Yorkshire couple Liz and Jack, through their annual trek across The Pennines to holiday in Blackpool. Can recommend this play if it comes your way.

The actors were fabulous. I'm always in awe when a play is performed by just two people who manage to entertain us all with their different characters and remembering all the script!

Well thanks for popping by after I had deserted you. Hope you have a good week - I'm certainly looking forward to seeing the film Lady in the van by Alan Bennett later on this week.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Blessings and Puzzles

Now I have to come clean and say I am a bit of a baby when it comes to going to the dentist. I don't think I'm alone feeling this way, but I can probably say that not many people travel two hours up the M1, to Leeds, to go to their dentist! Last Saturday it was my usual 6 monthly check up and as per usual I had spent some hours dreading the visit. I can't tell you what a relief it is when he says they are all ok and just a clean is needed. Phew. Afterwards came the pleasure of visiting my grandchildren - the twins. I know it was only a few weeks ago I saw them but it was lovely to see them again.

Karis here with her favourite teddy - Winnie the Pooh. They have to leave the teddy at home incase it ever got lost.

For Sophie it is Eeyore. She makes us laugh - the way she carries him around in her mouth so that she can carry on playing.

It was such a lovely day that we went off to Kirkstall Abbey. First of all for a play in the park.

Roundabouts are their favourite.

Time for lunch in the cafe attached to the museum - can recommend the food.

Golly today I found the girls hard to tell apart. Just when I think I have them sorted they grow a bit more - just to confuse me! But they are just adorable - I couldn't resist showing you these pictures. I guess all grandparents feel the same way - their grandchildren are the best!

After food it was time to wonder around the Abbey ruins.

Well we tried to walk to the ruins but the girlies had other ideas and headed back towards the road. They wanted to play with these leaves.

They both love flowers and have reached the stage where they don't just pull them off the stems but just touch them gently. Golly with these two pictures I only know they are different girls because of the hair slide!

I think they look cute from behind as they run away together.

Cuddle time with grandma, as their little legs get tired after all the walking and running.

What a blessing Saturday was.

In the crafting life of mine I have spent ages knitting this shawl.

Here it is pinned out to stretch it.

Sorry the colour has not come out well in these pictures. It is a pale green with small beads dangling from the edge. It was hard to knit the lacy part and there was much puzzling and screwing of my face as I worked out the pattern. But this week has also seen me puzzled again as I tried to make a new dress with a new pattern. Now I know because I have read other peoples blogs etc and they all say how easy the dress was to make and how easy the instructions were. I have to be honest and say I struggled - I guess because I am a novice. I also noticed lots of other people made the sleeveless dress and I wanted this dress more for the winter, so included sleeves.

I was rather confused as to how the heck I was going to attach this sleeve to a side panel but eventually after a nights sleep I got it. But then I had other problems and had to phone an older lady to get her help. I was very pleased to hear her say that the instructions were not the easiest to follow, especially for a beginner. So after she put me right I then went onto complete the dress.

I made it in some cheaper fabric, as I didn't want to make a mess with some really lovely fabric I have previously bought in Wales for this project. Picture does not show how it has side panels which have a pocket inbuilt. Oh I hate having my photo taken - should have straightened the dress before hubby took the picture - oh well you get the idea.

This is the pattern by Anna Maria Horner called "Painted Portrait Blouse and Dress". I have the next fabric for this dress cut out and the edges oversewn. Can't wait to get it started and finished. Trouble is I do have to go to work and still do housework!  Never mind. Wll thanks for popping by - have a good week.