Now I did warn you if you have a terror of children then don't go any further and tune in next week! This last weekend I had the amazing privilege of having ALL four grandchildren at the same time - with their mummies and daddies too. This is the first time since they were babies that the cousins have been together. I could hardly wait to watch how 24 month old twins and 25 month old Rowan interacted along with 8 month old baby.
First picture - the twins just arrived early Saturday morning. Note Rowan still in his jim jams! He's eyeing them up suspiciously! To be honest they were not bothered about each other - until it came to sharing some of the toys. The biggest causes of trouble was mainly a toy shopping trolley followed by the slide.
The girlies love flowers and I think this is Sophie pulling up the dandelions.
We all went off to
Abbey Park but oh it is such a long walk around to get to the swing area for the small ones! Think frustration is going though this ones little mind - will I ever get there, I can see the swings!
Ayla not too sure about the swing, unlike her brother who at her age adored being pushed high. Don't you just love her outfit?
Now I don't have too many pictures of the twins at the park as the timing was all wrong and they had to go back early as the girls needed a sleep.
I know it's not the best picture but just loved the smile. This is Karis - she's the more adventurous twin. It's fascinating trying to see the different personalities rather than seeing them as the same child.
This was their favourite ride. They were so funny as they suddenly got upset - grandad thought they wanted to come off. He lifted one of the girls off the ride but the cries got louder. He had to be told that they were crying because the ride had slowed down, in order for a child to come off and this was what was making them cross! They wanted the ride to be continually fast!
Sadly Rowan and Ayla were full of cold. It was at this point in time that the twins went home and I helped them back to the car but when I walked the long walk back to Rowan I was greeted with a lovely cuddle.
OK there seems to be a gap between pictures to the next morning! I'm guessing it was because once we got home I was busy cooking the chilli con carne. Oops which ended up being too chillified! So I then had to recreate a new one for the children! Then by the time the grandchildren went to bed we all looked exhausted! A new series of
Dr Who started and we recorded it so that we could watch it once they were all soundly asleep. But you should have seen us adults! Think we too should have gone to bed. To be honest it wasn't that long before we did go!
Oh breakfast time was entertaining! Think Sunday the grandchildren became more aware of each other. Here Rowan is fascinated by one of the girls. Now Rowan and Ayla adore their food whereas the girls appear to see eating as more of a chore or a game?
Here is Sophie trying to feed her feet! Or is it a weetabix foot massage?
Ayla enjoying her weetabix! She was not up in time and lost her highchair to her brother!
I know for sure this is Karis as her sister is not too sure about the slide. Note the dress was made by their aunty - who just makes me sick at times as she is so talented. Whatever she decides to make always comes out lovely. So she has only just started making clothes and makes both the girls a dress for their birthday. Grrrrrrr dead jealous of her skills.
Rowan ready for church. I love his jumper.
Sophie enjoying having the trolley. I could always tell who had last played with the trolley by the contents inside! Rowan would fill it with cars!
I opted to stay at home and prepare the dinner for the masses!
Oh it was such fun to see the grandchildrens' faces as I placed the dishes onto the mats. Rowan in particular was saying "Wow".
All was quite civilised until it came to the chocolate pudding!
Ayla adored the chocolate - think it was possibly her first taste of chocolate!
Some children had to have a bath after dinner.
A little bit of Mozart!
Then it was time to head out for
Knighton Park.
Ayla doing the swing in a very relaxed style!
It wasn't too long after this picture that she looked like this....
Looking sooooo cute with her fingers finally fallen out of her mouth!
Girls enjoying their roundabouts!
All three on the see saw.
Having fun inside the train.
Playing in the sand. We forgot to take the buckets and spades. Rather bizarrely the park was filled with three other sets of twins!
Sophie and Rowan loved playing in the sand but Karis was not so happy - she didn't want to have sand on her hands!
Time for home, tea and for their own homes. Oh how I had a lovely time with my grandchildren. I am so blessed with such an amazing family.
Thank you for popping by. Hope you all have a good week. I have no idea what I shall be blogging about next week!? But that's the excitement about life - you never know!