Saturday, 8 December 2012

Christmas is Beginning To Happen

Yes I have finally given in and started preparing for this full on exam! Cards to write, presents to buy, cake to marzipan and ice, Christmas puddings to make, wrap presents, tidy up house for guests, prepare Christmas food - oh and go to work al to be done by the 24th December! Is it the equivalence of a masters?

Have at least put up a Christmas wreath, bought from a water aid charity - looks better in real life.
It has been so cold this week and frosty but I don't mind that - much rather this weather than drizzle! Even the girlies hesitated this week as to whether to leave the warmth of their house and brave the icy garden!

Today I was up early to get ready for going away - yes! I am off to Northumberland early tomorrow morning to our home. So looking forward to going. But thought I'd better appease my hubby and made him a cherry and almond cake, some muesli marvels and some carrot and coriander soup. Oh I also marzipanned and iced my dad's Christmas cake - yes I know you're supposed  to leave a gap in time doing the two layers but I haven't got the time to do it properly. Off tonight to my dad's home to have a family reunion at a local restaurant.

Dad's cake has now a candle to go in the centre so should look reasonably pretty!

 Can't decide which toys to take with me tomorrow - so have emptied a lot of my shelves to take masses! I'm just so indecisive. Sorry should say toys = crafty, making things! I've got 45 minutes to go before I have to leave the house and I haven't packed my clothes yet so I'd better say bye and be back next week with some seaside pictures!

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